The image above shows the service districts, which corresponds to:
District 1:
- Roseville, Paynesville, Irving, Union Grove
District 2:
- Eden Lake, Manannah, Harvey
District 3:
- Luxemburg, M. Prairie, Forest Prairie, S.M. Prairie
District 4:
- Litchfield, Greenleaf
District 5:
- Fairhaven, Southside, French Lake, Cokato
District 6:
- Harrison, Swede Grove, Kandyyohi, Gennessee, Action, Fahlun, L. Elizabeth, Danielson, E. L. Lillian, Cosmos, Brookfield, Boon Lake
District 7:
- Collinwood, Stockholm, Cedar Mills, Acoma, Hutchinson
District 8:
- Darwin, Ellsworth
District 9:
- N. Kingston, Forest City, Kingston